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Door Security Access Control System Provider in Dubai and Abu Dhabi


Do you want to make your entrance and door secured using smart and intelligent door security access control system? Our solution is an intelligent smart physical security system which allows you to authenticate your door access using smart cards, biometric and mobile app authentication. We help you to implement smart entrance/door physical security solution in for major projects in UAE. People entry management door access control system improve your security level. Physical security door access control system is designed to restrict certain areas or an entire building from unauthorized access.

We use most advanced technologies to protect your people and assets. We achieve this by integrating and collaborating physical security access management software, security door access identification devices (biometric ,Smart Card, Mobile,) and entrance management devices like gates, doors and smart gates.

We became a reliable supplier of such smart door security physical access control system in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and other regions of UAE.

Secure Your Space with Intelligent Access Control

Elevate your security with our intelligent door access control system. Secure your space in the UAE with advanced technology.

Key outcomes of Our Door Security Access Control System

Security Solution Provider | Dubai | ACIX ME

Intelligent system to provide who all, when , and where


Intelligent solution to make your premise, assets, and people secured


Smart solution which allows only authorized people to access your areas


Modern authentication process with AI based face identification, highly secured smart cards and mobile based identification.


Smart identification and authentication process by taking data from various sources like Active Directory, Human Resources (HR), Visitor management System and integration with other security system like video security.


Mitigate any potential risks and threats with prevention module


Ensure 100% compliance, automate audits, and standardize the data from disparate systems


Reduce or eliminate the need for paper-based processes and converge access control features into a single IT platform


Ensure regulatory compliance & streamlined audit management for operational success


Deliver a better employee experience with touch-free identity management

Features of Our Entrance Security Access Control Solution

Some Reports Available on our Physical Security Access Solution


Time Wise Reports


Who is In Reports


Emergency Evacuation Reports


Zone Wise Access Reports


Route Plan


Person Access Wise Reports


Door Wise Access Reports


Location Wise Reports


Tail Gating Reports


Predictive Threat Analysis Reports

Please Click To Contact us to Know on More Type Of Reports Contact Us

Why People access control system for your Entrance Security Management


Entrance Security Automation

We make a comprehensive approach to provide end to end solution from identification to management which enables you to fully automate your people access process. Process starts from issuing identification credential, If it is your employee, visitor or contract worker.



Entry Access control technology is a prime method to protect your organization. It not only acts as a barrier to entry by allowing only permitted person to enter but the system technology gives a detailed information on who, when, where accessed the location. This helps to protect people and assets of an organization. To know who all, where all and when which are the key parameters to prevent any potential threat.



People access security system can be extended to plan your resource from your HR system. It depends on your requirement from various business points and security aspects.



This is the most important functionality of a people access control security solution. A proactive approach to prevent threats. This is done using solid management software, integrations with other systems and analytical features.

Things to consider when implementing Smart Security Access Control System

Components of People Access Control System


Physical Access Control Management Software

For any modern physical security system, software is the key. Our Access Control Software from Matrix Comsec (Web link Matrix Comsec) is a comprehensive software where you can define all the security requirements of your organization. Software authorizes the access control device to restrict and allow individuals to respective area. Software identifies every person and apply the applicable policies to the individual. The Software comes with different modules .


Identification Management

The main part of the software is used to manage the identification credentials of people, such as Biometric credentials like face or finger and Smart card credential. Software create all the passes for every credential to manage the authentication process. Adding, deleting, modifying of identification credentials are possible. We can also create, modify and delete their accounts.


Policy Management

This part of the physical access control software manages the Policies of an organization with respect to security level. Every access privileges are set in this module.


Reporting Module

Report part of the software give a detailed idea of all the transactions happened in the physical access control software. The report is generated depending on various parameters like location, Door, People, Time etc, Security Breaches.


Integration Module

This module of the physical access control system enable you to integrate with other physical security systems and third party system. The module integrates with Active Directory, HR, LMS, ERP databases and physical security systems, making it easier for organizations to manage employee access to physical spaces, ensure compliance with industry regulations, and mitigate the risk of security breaches.


Insight Module

Insight module gives a detailed real time analytics to the security personnel's to take necessary actions. Various inputs from people access control software is being taken to make analytical insight to the organization.

Different Door Access Control Systems

Door Access Control Systems employ diverse technologies like card readers, biometrics, and keypads, offering tailored solutions for secure and efficient entry management.

Entrance Management Devices to Manage People Access

For any physical access control system, it is mandatory to have a proper door and entrance management. The required access door is defined as per the site condition and requirement.


Electromagnetic Doors

Here we use doors fitted with electromagnetic lock to lock and unlock the door. Once the trigger from security access control is passed, it unlocks the door.


Turnstile Gate

Some sites prefer to use turnstile gate for people access control system.


Smart Gate

Smart gate which is also called speed gate or hidden gate can be used as a device to manage your physical security access control solution.


Gate Barrier

Arm gate barrier or boom barrier are security barriers to use with physical access control solution. Mainly used to restrict vehicle to parking areas.


Bollards & Blockers

These are the high security options for access management to integrate with physical security access control solution.

Integrated Access Control Solution with Other Systems

An integrated solution approach making door access control system proactive.


Physical Access Control System with Visitor Management System

An automated visitor management process can be achieved with physical access control solution infrastructure. Our Software comes with a package of visitor management module. This Module enables you to manage the visitors seamlessly. The current people access solution infrastructure is used to manage the visitors. The identification module in the platform software identifies the visitors.

Specialized Physical Security People Access Control Applications


Access Control System for Data Center

Data center is very sensitive area where an organization needs a full audit of every access. Policies required for users like admin users, technicians and other support staff. We have physical security access control solution built for data center operations.


Access Control System for Elevators

Elevators need access control to authenticate people access according to the levels. Our elevator control module is enabled to integrate access control solution with lifts and elevators.


Access Control for Emergency Mustering

Mustering is a common application to use for large organization for safety. Our Software supports this feature of mustering where you will know who all are in at any point of time. This can be used at the time of fire drill, emergency to ensure all members are assembled in a place.


Solution for Vehicle Access

Vehicle access to parking areas can be restricted and controlled with physical security access control solution. This solution uses long range UHF reader to read the windshield RFID stickers.

 Door Security Access Control | Dubai | ACIX ME

How We Manage to Provide Smart Security Access Control System

Our Partnership with world class vendors enables us to provide right door security access control solution at right place. We focus on improving the experience of our customers with zero compromise on security. People Access Control is a prime security measure to consider for any organization. It not only provides the physical barrier to entry, but it also holds key personnel and permissions data which further enhances the safety and security of the organization.

How a Smart Door Access Control Security System Works

An Electronic door and entrance access security system enables you to restrict, allow, monitor each entrances of your premise. Components of a smart electronic access control systems are, identification reader, access management software, electronic magnetic locks or electronic striking locks, Push buttons or exit readers. Smart credential identification reader recognize and identifies the person who shows the credential at the door or gate. Identification reader can be either biometric or smart card reader. Once the identification machine verifies the person, access is granted by triggering the Electromagnetic lock (EM Lock) to unlock the door. The access management software plays a vital role in identifying the person and recording all the activities. Where as an Unauthorized person is unable to open the door which is the major purpose of such smart security access system. This security access system enables entrances of an office to be highly secured. Software gives a detailed report on each doors and gates access status. Access control system is one of the smart way of securing your door with modern security system making your doors and entries secured.


How We Became a Reliable Supplier of Door Security Access Control System in Dubai and Abu Dhabi?

We became leading Door Security Access Control System supplier in Dubai And Abu Dhabi with our continuous update in technology and service.

We, Acix Middle East are well known distributor in Dubai, UAE for many turnkey projects in terms of various physical security solutions.

We take up the project from design stage to entire life cycle of the project and sign off only after ensuring our client place is fully secured. Once we have a requirement of a door access control system, we analyze and conclude which are the credentials to use. Hence the access is done by showing the swipe smart card or finger print or face.

We select the main access control device depending on the requirement of the client. There are various biometric readers and smart card machines available with us.

Who, When, Where then we identify the security level, then we choose the correct credential requirement according to situation. If it has to be a biometric identification device / Smart card identification method / password code identification machines. Once our system is in place, we assure companies with an automated access control solution that track, monitor and control all stake holders who enter and exit the premise at all times.

To get a quote, get in touch with us today!

Elevate your security with our intelligent door access control system. Secure your space in the UAE with advanced technology.

A Simplified process to Manage People Access Control Solution


Our People security Access control system gives you a simplified and automated process to manage your employees, visitors, contract workers efficiently with secured control over physical access.

Changes in workforce are possible for every organization on daily basis. Policies of an organization change every time. People shift to different location every time. There can be a change in contract workers as well. All above conditions make the management of your security painful, if you are looking a for a efficient supplier in Dubai and Abu Dhabi for people access control solution, you are at the right place.

Our People Access includes software modules to automatically handle joiners, movers and leavers, to streamline the process of requesting and replacing access card or biometric credentials to self-request access and related approval workflows, and to manage visitors and contractors. Our software ensures that your Physical Access Control System remains in sync at all times with every security aspect of an organization.

Use of AI Face Recognition in Door Access Control System

Artificial intelligence enhanced the efficiency of the modern security system. We have adopted to physical security solution in many ways. People access control solution use artificial intelligence as way of identification by face recognition. This biometric method makes our access control system more effective and more efficient to eliminate any possible threats. Face artificial intelligence use face recognition algorithm for recognition. This is widely adopted in many large enterprises in UAE, especially in the cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. How the face recognition solution works is simple, once face of a person is detected it compares it with the enrolled white list and black list in the data base and allows the person to enter or restrict from a premise.

 Security Solution Provider | Dubai | ACIX ME

Number Plate Recognition Access Control

Innovative LPR and ANPR (AUTOMATIC NUMBER PLATE RECOGNITION) technology is another cognitive analytics technology, which enables us to design a highly secured modern smart access control solution. After the person and number plate is confirmed, the system triggers the gate barrier, access gates or doors to open and provide access inside the premises. This is touch less and contact free door access control solution.

Cloud Based Security Access Control Solution


Due to the fact that cloud based solution are becoming highly accepted in every solution, physical security solution is not an exemption. On premise access control solution takes large infrastructure and manpower investment, Cloud based solution eliminates the deployment of an on premise server set up to manage your access control solution. Access management software is deployed in cloud infrastructure. Legacy systems in UAE market demand a reliable supplier of door security access control system to adopt to cloud in the cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Find out more about our door access control solutions by getting in touch with our representatives.

Mobile App Door Access Control System

The concept of mobile being your identity is becoming more popular in the market of security solutions. Smart phones with mobile applications now can manage your access identities which can be used for entrance access security systems. Mobile phones use Bluetooth technology to communicate with our door readers and authentication happen through a secured protocol. We do provide solutions which support mobile as your identity or credential this is touch less contact free access control solution which enable you to access a door by just keeping your mobile phones in your pocket or by just shaking your mobile phone.


How Our Specialized Matrix Door Access Control Solution is unique in UAE market?

Matrix Centra enterprises software is developed and positioned as an enterprises resource planning software for special and customized requirements for UAE market. An example of most frequent requirement rises in the market is the requirement for centralized reporting of multisite. Another example could be, now days many organizations do not want a simple access control solution, rather they need to fully automate from in and out recording of an employee to complete processing of the data including salary who, when, where notifications on certain policies, notifications to employers and managers on certain situations etc. With matrix Centra software which has been developed after assessing a number of case studies from the market is able to cater and satisfy many clients in the middle east market. Employers and managers on certain situations etc. With matrix Centra software which has been developed after assessing a number of case studies from the market is able to cater and satisfy many clients in the middle east market.



Access Zone

Access Control Zone is a predefined physical area for which specific access policies are required.


Access Mode

User can enter into a zone by showing his credentials (Finger, Palm Vein, RF Card, PIN) to the reader. Admin can select any one or combination of any two or three credential options as an Access Mode on the door controllers to access any particular zone.


Occupancy Control

Occupancy Control is used to control the number of users within a designated zone.


Route based Access

Route based Access ensures users follow specific route to reach their destinations preventing them from wandering intentionally or unknowingly.



Anti-Pass-Back prevents a card holder from passing his card back to another person to gain unauthorized entry.


Do Not Disturb (DND) Zone

Do Not Disturb Zone feature is useful for meeting rooms, conference halls where people inside the area do not want to be disturbed by outside people.


Dead-Man Zone

It is essential to track the physical safety of an employee who is working in hazardous environments like railroads, mines, chemical labs, etc.


Guard Tour

Many times two or more doors are arranged in a sequence to regulate traffic or control dust and heat.



Many times two or more doors are arranged in a sequence to regulate traffic or control dust and heat.


2-Person Rule

Certain sensitive zones contain valuable assets like cash, gold, data, intellectual property, etc. Security of such assets should not be entrusted to any single individual.


First-In User

Rule In some organizations, employees or workers are not allowed to enter certain work areas unless designated.