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Automatic Electronic Smart Safe Locker System Provider in Saudi Arabia

Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME

Secure Your belongings via the Intelligent Locker Management System

Secure your place in Saudi Arabia with our smart locker management system. Enhance your security through advanced technological mastery.

Essential Characteristics of Smart and Secure Electronic Lockers

Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME

Real time email and text alerts of any locker activity


Enhanced security with the lower level chances of losing belongings


Advanced software that provides detailed logs and reports for every locker


Centralized management to easily monitor and control all lockers


Complete integration of the student management system for seamless auditing and smart usage.


High-level security with biometric or RFID smart card authentication for lock and unlock.


Smart mobile phone applications for locker management.

Technologies for Operating Smart Locker Systems

What to Consider When Deciding on a Smart Locker Solution


Usage: It shall identify the usage type, which may either be a temporary usage, permanent usage or drop off and pick up.


Authentication: Identify which of the above authentication types will be required such as fingerprint, RFID card, or other such methods, with a possible PIN and/or mobile application.


Security Level: This is based on how secure the items to be stored require protection.


User Type: See the demographics and the needs of the users who will be accessing the locker system.

Classification of Smart Lockers

Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME

Pay-As-You-Use Smart Lockers

Perfect for any type of short- or medium-term needs since these lockers are just right in size to keep valuables that have been left behind while away on travel or business. Users can pay by bankcard for the number of days of usage.

Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME

Pick-and-go smart lockers

They are commonly used by companies such as e-commerce, laundry, and delivery services. They hold the deliveries when the customer is away. The access credential is forwarded to the recipient who can use it once to receive his goods.

Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME

Permanent smart lockers

They are attached to the user for a long period. Usually in the office, lockers are attached to a user giving him access to the locker for a long time.

Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME

Temporary Smart Lockers

These lockers can be used for temporary periods. They are used in the gym or public space. Users can store their belongings temporarily while visiting the facility.

Smart Safe Lockers - Uses

 Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME

Why Automatic Smart Safe Lockers are Required?

Smart lockers have been considered a major need in schools, universities, health clubs, gyms, offices, and other entities. In schools and colleges, lockers ensure student security in addition to available space for storing things that students may need at any time during the school day. Considering the students are always on the move, it is necessary to have a secure and easy-to-use self-service locker system.

Educational institutions cost-optimize their environment without affecting the productivity of students. Health clubs and gyms require keyless, self-service electronic lockers for temporarily storing members' belongings. In schools and universities, the intelligent locker system allocates a locker to the student based on his or her RFID card. Even the interface provides some preference to the physically challenged: it picks the locker nearest to their location for them. Every RFID card swipe integrates the campus security system for security of each activity by every user.

Smart Lockers Eases Administration

Traditional locker systems tend to have administrative burdens through lost keys, along with having to replace or even change locks, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Lost keys also require contacting security personnel, explaining the problem, and ordering replacement locks, again wasted time and efforts.

Where a smart locker system is applied, all these problems are relatively minimized. The loss of the contactless smart card by either the employee or the student can just be resolved through the action of the security team deactivating the old card and issuing a new one, thus not requiring changing or repairing of locks-a much smoother processing.

 Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME

Advantages of Smart and Secure Electronic Lockers

The benefits of having intelligent and secure electronic lockers are numerous, especially in heavy-traffic environments such as warehouses, congested gyms, schools, college, or any academic institution, and many more. Having dependable electronic lockers can significantly make your businesses easy for you. Companies around the GCC are embracing the technology, and you must be in line with the changes. Here are some of the key benefits of smart lockers and some information regarding its fast rise in usage all over the world.

Why Smart Locker Technology is Important

Intelligent and secure lockers are much sturdier than those traditionally used. On the other hand, locks and keys are vulnerable to breaking if used repeatedly. Their repeated use would make them demand frequent maintenance. This is why jammed locks are often seen as the cause of a normal amount of lost time. Moreover, excessive costs could be incurred to replace irreparable locks.

Contrarily, smart technology uses a plastic card having an RFID locker. This knocks out the need for replacement or repair due to probable damage. Smart locks have fewer mechanical parts; their lifespan is much longer compared to older locks.

Probably, one of the most significant benefits of smart locker technology is that it offers improved security for employees, gym members, or students. People trust technology more than traditional locks. Therefore, it is common for people to place cell phones and other personal valuables in smart lockers without fear of theft or malicious activities. The security this technology offers can be able to bolster the productivity of employees in the workplace significantly.

Security Benefits of Smart Electronic Lockers

Smart electronic lockers provide a more robust and secure solution compared to traditional lockers. As previously mentioned, replacing a lost or stolen access card is far simpler and safer than dealing with a standard key. In the event of suspicious activity, security personnel can easily disable the access card from a central portal, allowing relevant officials to unlock the locker if needed. Moreover, the presence of secure lockers instills peace of mind in employees, knowing their belongings are protected. This sense of security fosters a more comfortable work environment, where individuals feel confident that their items are safe, and any theft-related issues will be promptly addressed.

 Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME

How Our Intelligent Centrally Managed Safe Lockers Work

Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME

In addition, traditional metal lockers are renovated to be high-tech by the inclusion of advanced smart technologies. We install electromagnetic locks on all lockers and offer locking or unlocking operations triggered by authentication features from either biometric techniques or smart RFID swipe cards, thus totally replacing conventional security keys with cutting-edge smart solutions to formulate a keyless system.

Managing the biometric or RFID authentication, this locker system is handled by the centralized software. This gives an opportunity for assigning and overseeing every locker. Reports are diversified, and many portals and third-party applications may integrate with the software. Also, it allows the users and administrators to create log reports at any point of time.

Building Convenience through Self-Service Lockers

Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME

Today, smart lockers are increasingly used in order to ensure parcels and valuable items are collected in a very secure manner. Thus, you can safely store your belongings in an electronic locker, available for access using a smart card or even just a smartphone. You then continue on your way to your favorite shop or other destination. As a retail outlet, offering your customers a convenient storage solution during your operating hours will increase customer satisfaction and further save on costs incurred for storage and protection.

There is always a solution to your needs and requirements. ACIX ME, with its offices in Saudi Arabia is here to deliver customized solutions to your concerns. Are you a school, recreational facility or perhaps a busy gym? We have the right solutions for you.

ACIX ME — Your Supplier of Smart Locker Management Solutions in Saudi Arabia

Locker Management System | Dubai | ACIX ME