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Access control has long been a concern for many organizations. However, it’s not only organizations that worry about access control. Commercial buildings, mall owners, school boards, and many others also worry about restricting access to ensure physical safety on their premises. As a result, access control systems have become more popular over the past few decades.

If you’re an organization, you’ll likely have sensitive data and assets. You’ll want to ensure that your competitors don’t get their hands on these. Likewise, schools wish to protect pupils from intruders. Hence, you’ll see access control systems with varying technology in most places.

However, COVID-19 has brought a change to the world. The pandemic has carried on for longer than most people expected. However, more importantly, it’s changed our habits and safety practices. Most people have become wary of shaking hands. Instead, they’ll rub elbows, bump fists, or give each other a nod. Such changes have come because people understand the need to curb the virus from spreading. However, these changes have brought on new challenges. For starters, you don’t want to be touching a door that countless other people before you have used. It’s unsanitary, and in today’s world, such practices won’t fly.

That’s where touchless technology comes into the mix. Organizations understand that keeping employees healthy and secure is just as paramount as any other business process. Hence, they’re increasingly utilizing these technologies. Instead of opening doors, they’ve got card systems that cause the door to slide open for any person with the proper credentials. Let’s examine how touchless technology is taking over in a post-pandemic world.


Biometric systems have been around for decades. They’ve undergone several trials and testing procedures. However, they’re finally becoming reliable for daily use. Several types of biometrics exist that organizations can use for access control. For instance, voice recognition is one method that’s proving popular. Likewise, you can also opt for facial recognition. Many government buildings and research labs will take it a step further, incorporating iris and retinal scanning. Other biometric options like gait detection and ear-shape reading also exist.

These biometric systems are going to grow more popular because they are completely touchless. There’s no risk of transmitting germs or bacteria, making them perfect options for a post-pandemic world. In addition, they also provide an added layer of security to organizations. It’s easier to deceive a physical fingerprint scanner than it is to deceive a gait-detection system. At ACIX Middle East, we have some of the most reliable and advanced face recognition and iris scanning systems available.

A biometric iris scanner


Key Card Systems

Another viable option for organizations is to employ key card systems. Smart key cards can prove to be an effective touchless solution for the post-pandemic world. Today’s technology makes it possible to scan smart cards without touching the card reader. In addition, you can use key cards with turnstiles to facilitate access control.

Wireless Technology

One of the essential items people carry with them everywhere is a smartphone. Hence, it would seem apparent that you could use your smartphone to open doors when you reach your office. All you would need is Bluetooth technology and an application. At ACIX Middle East, we’ve perfected this solution. We provide both QR-code-based access control systems and Bluetooth-based control systems.

Secure Your Facility with State-of-the-Art Technology

ACIX Middle East is a leading supplier of world-class access control solutions. We’ve worked with numerous UAE organizations, stretching from Sharjah to Abu Dhabi. You’ll find our access control solutions in government, semi-government, and private facilities across the GCC. Whether you’re seeking a swipe card door access system or a smart door security access control system, we’ve got you covered.

Visit our website today for more information. Alternatively, you can contact us to learn more.

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