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Access control is not limited to smartphones and tablets anymore. Business facilities, shopping centers, hospitals, and multi-residential buildings are now equipped with this tech tool. Why? To ensure authorized access and prevent physical security breaches.

However, with so many technological benefits of mobile access control systems, one may also consider its potential challenges. However, it’s a no-brainer that an access control system’s advantages totally outweigh the latter.

One of the key reasons behind the development of remotely managed and contactless access control systems is the issue of stolen, misplaced ID cards. Moreover, employees and clients aren’t very comfortable sharing mobile details for authorization as it’s a personal gadget.

So how does it push businesses to invest in access control systems? Let’s find out.

Improved User Experience

Mobile access control systems are a cutting-edge technological feat that’s changing the face of physical business security. Credential documents, access cards, and other physical security tools are always expensive and challenging to store and protect. This is where a mobile access control system steps in.

Mobile credentials and contactless access are way more accessible and simplified. They give users the authority to pass security barriers using their PIN codes and IDs. They don’t have to take care of a dedicated card to swipe at the barrier gate. All they need is their smartphone with an integrated access control software for smooth, hurdle-less entry.

Lower Administration Costs

Let’s face it, managing employee safety and credential security is very costly and time-consuming. Human resource and security departments must ensure a foolproof safety plan protecting their data from being stolen, misused, or deleted.

Moreover, employees and visitors tend to forget access cards at home. This causes a hassle for security personnel as a complete due diligence procedure is required to authorize access without cards. Mobile access control system simplifies this process by replacing good ol’ ID cards with thumbprint, facial recognition, Bluetooth, and other identification technologies. The said features are more effective, safe, and unique.

A security manager analyzing an access control system data

Are There Any Challenges Associated with Mobile Access Control Systems?

Everything with benefits has some sort of cons associated with it. The same is the case with mobile access control systems. Some people are reluctant to use their personal smartphones for access. Whereas business managers think that storing, managing, and protecting mobile credentials is riskier and costlier since it requires additional computing devices.

Stolen, mislaid, and broken phones are another key issue that obstructs the seamless operation of a mobile access control system. However, businesses can easily integrate access control with security barriers and intercom systems for end-to-end security.

Buy High-Quality and Branded Access Control Systems at ACIX Middle East

ACIX Middle East is a leading business security products distributor in the UAE. We’re expanding our delivery span over the GCC region. Check out our quality access control, visitor management, key management, and telecom systems, among many other security products.

Contact us for more details.

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