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Organizations, small and large, need an attendance system to monitor their employees and ensure the effective maintenance of projects and tasks. Without an attendance system, employees could come and go as they please, resulting in chaos for the organization. This chaos would eventually lead to incomplete tasks and projects, which would affect customer satisfaction and orders, in turn affecting the company’s profits.

Companies implement policies to ensure they can operate like a well-oiled machine. An attendance system is paramount for the effective functioning of an organization. In the past, employees would enter their attendance manually in a register or use punch cards to clock in their presence. However, with the advent of many technological advancements, this process has been digitized, operating more seamlessly.

Smart attendance systems are becoming increasingly common. Companies are implementing these systems to help track employee hours, ensuring no policy or regulatory violations occur. Moreover, organizations often integrate these systems with their HR systems, making payroll less challenging.

Features of a Smart Attendance Management System

Numerous smart time attendance systems exist on the market, making it vital you choose the suitable one for your business’s needs. We’ll assess the key features you should include in your criterion when examining systems that fit your needs. These features are:

Clocking In and Out

The ability for employees to clock in and out through the system is essential. Moreover, the system should include the ability to allow employees to register break periods. The system should allow employees to fill in their attendance either via magnetic cards or their phone numbers.

Leave Management

Your attendance management system should also be able to manage leaves. Employees often have to take time off from work, whether due to personal reasons or grievances. Moreover, depending on an employee’s designation, their available leave days may also vary. In addition, companies have different policies regarding leaves and half-days. The management system you choose must be capable of accommodating all these needs.

Payroll Integration

Your attendance management system should be able to integrate with the payroll system your organization uses. Payroll integration with an attendance management system can reduce paperwork, information duplication and make it easier to calculate employee pay. Ensure that your system possesses the capabilities to perform these functions before selection.

Reporting Features

The Human Resource department is responsible for creating and maintaining employee attendance records. Having a system capable of generating basic reports about hours worked and overtime can help ease the burden for your organization’s HR department.

Mobile and Cloud Support

Most essential organizational support software today is cloud-based. Cloud-based software has a distinct advantage because employees can access it from anywhere without installing an application. Mobile support is also vital for your attendance system.

Employee Self-Service

Having a management system that includes employee self-service can be a game-changer. Employees can register their attendance while sitting at their desks, whether in the office or at home. They can also use the self-service features to file for leaves, request corrections to attendance records, and more.

Missed Alerts

As human beings, we all make errors. Employees can sometimes forget to clock in or clock out. Moreover, they might forget to register for a break before leaving their workspace. Having a system that sends alerts and notifications to employees can be very beneficial.

Acquiring a Smart Attendance Management System in Dubai, UAE

If your organization is operating in Dubai and needs a time attendance system, we can help you. ACIX Middle East is a professionally managed distributor and supplier of IT and security solutions. We provide various solutions to our clients, ranging from access control systems to key management systems.

Contact us today to ensure your organization has the latest smart attendance management systems to track employees.

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