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Statistics show that time-theft results in companies losing more than $11 billion annually. Likewise, buddy-punching or proxy attendance sets companies back another $737 million annually.

Companies are aware of this problem, which’s why they go to great lengths to resolve it. Businesses are profit-maximizing entities. They aim to maximize their revenue while lowering their costs. Theoretically, organizations work on the notion that they’re a well-oiled machine seamlessly running. However, if employees aren’t devoted to their work shifts, things can quickly unravel.

Hence, it’s not uncommon for organizations to use time and attendance management solutions to keep track of employees. Their focus is to use these systems to ensure productivity and discipline. After all, if an employee is walking into the office two hours after their shift starts, things aren’t looking great. The employee will be lagging on their work. In turn, this will affect the organization’s business processes.

The reality’s that time is money for most organizations, and every wasted second results in them foregoing revenue. Hence, companies utilize time and attendance management solutions to curtail these issues from arising.

For decades, organizations were using pen-and-paper timesheets to keep track of their employees. However, that comes with a serious issue. It’s inefficient and time-consuming. Moreover, there are no checks in place to prevent buddy-punching. Hence, organizations embraced technology, moving to newer time and attendance management solutions. One such solution that has gained prominence is facial recognition. Let’s delve into how it benefits organizations.

Benefits of Facial Recognition Time and Attendance Management Systems

Here are some of the benefits of facial recognition time and attendance management systems. They include:


The initial cost of setting up a facial recognition time and attendance management system can be high. However, over time, it pays for itself. If you’ve been using a manual system for recording attendance, you’ll know that errors arise. It’s only natural for humans to make mistakes once in a while. However, a facial recognition system eliminates that. You can keep track of your employees’ precise working hours while avoiding any human errors. That means you don’t have to deal with any false overtime worries or anything of that sort.

Automated and Accurate

Facial recognition systems are extremely accurate. If you’re using an IP camera for recognition, the system will identify the employee without requiring them to halt. In addition, most facial recognition attendance management solutions are full-fledged systems. They’ll report attendance, absence, and overtime precisely.

No More Buddy-Punching

Buddy-punching is the fear of every organization. It’s not uncommon to hear about an employee marking their absent friend as being present. However, as we stated earlier, buddy-punching costs businesses millions of dollars annually. No organization wants to pay its employees for not showing up to work. Implementing a facial recognition system solves this problem.

Saves time

If you’ve used a pen-and-paper timesheet in the past, you’ll know how time-consuming the process can become. Long queues can often form as people are looking to time out at the day’s end. Our facial recognition technology enables employees to walk past the system without stopping. The system captures the information perfectly, thereby saving precious time.

A woman using a phone-based system to mark her attendance

Boost Your Organization’s Productivity and Security with a Facial Recognition Time and Attendance System

ACIX Middle East is a leading supplier of world-class time and attendance management solutions. We’ve worked with numerous UAE organizations, stretching from Sharjah to Abu Dhabi. You’ll find our time and attendance management solutions in government, semi-government, and private facilities across the GCC. We’ve got numerous time attendance systems that are currently in use from Dubai to Abu Dhabi. We have fingerprint time attendance machines, face recognition attendance systems, smart attendance systems, and more.

Visit our website today for more information. Alternatively, you can contact us to learn more.


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