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The shift from traditional technologies to digital technologies is happening everywhere around us, whether it’s the device in our hand, the dashboard of our car, or the smart appliances in our kitchen. One such shift has been an increase in the use of interactive smart boards in schools, which has proven to be quite beneficial.

A study confirms that using interactive boards in the classroom helped improve the students’ efficiency, learning, and motivation levels.  The acceptance of interactive boards is also visible from the significant growth of the global market size of interactive boards.

While the benefits of interactive boards in the classroom are more or less established, many people are skeptical about how they can be helpful in the workplace. We’re here to tell you that there are many benefits of using interactive boards in the workplace; here are some of them:

Deliver Engaging Presentations

Whether you’re looking to sign on potential clients or trying to inspire your employees, delivering an engaging presentation is the way to go! All your preparation and research will be useless if you don’t convey it in an engaging manner.

Research shows that 65% of the population consists of visual learners. Therefore, you can leverage your visual presentation by using the interactive smartboard to engage your audience. For instance, you can pose a question and ask participants to write down their answers.

Whether you’re presenting to clients or employees and coworkers, interactive smartboards can be really helpful in getting people to engage with your presentation.

Team leader delivering a presentation on an interactive smartboard

Make Team Meetings More Productive

Although meetings are supposed to increase collaboration in the workplace, they often devolve into time-wasting activities with team members debating each other in circles. Using interactive smartboards can help improve communication and collaboration during workplace meetings.

Moreover, meetings often boil down to some employees speaking too much while others are not taking any part. Using an interactive whiteboard can help encourage a culture of collaboration, and everyone can join in with their thoughts and ideas. As a result, the meetings will not only be wrapped up much faster, but they’ll also be more productive than before.

Involve Remote Workers

COVID-19 saw remote work percentage increase from 17% to 44%. Now, even as a return to work is slowly taking place, 73% of employees want flexible remote work options to stay. Thus, it is very likely that the future is a hybrid workplace where some employees work remotely while others are in the workplace.

Interactive smart boards can help remote workers feel more involved and welcome during meetings and conferences. Most of the latest interactive smart boards are designed for interactive group work and offer remote accessibility features as well.

Boost Morale and Confidence

Interactive smart boards are transforming how we perceive presentations, meetings, and conferences. The interactive and collaborative nature of these devices ensures that more and more people can get involved, which will boost the morale and confidence of all employees.

Depending on the nature of your work, interactive smartboards can be used for the smooth flow of ideas, information, and/or insights that can help with activities such as creative brainstorming sessions, sales pitches, and new product launches.

Get Interactive Smart Boards for Your Workplace with ACIX Middle East

In conclusion, acquiring interactive smart boards for your workplace can offer several benefits that can help transform your company culture, improve collaboration, and increase employee confidence, efficiency, and productivity.

If you’re looking for interactive smart boards for your workplace in Dubai or Abu Dhabi, ACIX Middle East can help. We offer products such as the HITACHI Interactive Display, INTECH Infrared Interactive Whiteboard, and much more!

Contact us now to learn more about how ACIX Middle East can help spruce up your workplace.

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